Wednesday morning Bible Study led by Ronda Haley
Meets Wednesdays at 10 am, Peace Library
All women are invited to attend every week or as it works for them. Studies range from books of the Bible, focused on a topic or a book study. Check out the Monthly Newsletter for additional information on the current study or contact at for more information.
Meet in Library at 1:30 pm
Women are invited to gather on the 4th Wednesday of each month for a brief Bible Study, fellowship and conversation. Contact the Church Office or Doris Johns for more information: 715-294-3836.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study for Men
10:30 am Peace Dining Area
All men are invited to gather for Bible Study and fellowship where we preview the text for Sunday morning worship.
Men in Mission
Thursdays, 6:30 am at Our Place Cafe
Call Peter Ward (715-566-2686) with questions or for more information. Men gather for breakfast and a time of devotion. All men are welcome! No need to register or sign up - simply show up when it works for you!