We want to come alongside families as they journey through the months of pregnancy and remain a source of support through the early years of their child's life. If you are expecting, please contact Ronda Haley at jhaleyr85@gmail.com. We support families during this time through ocassional family gatherings, free meals, prayer and more.
This is a great ministry opportunity for families wishing to stay connected to their church family until they are able to participate in our Sunday School Ministry.
If you desired to have your child baptized at Peace Lutheran Church, please contact the church office so that a date for the baptism can be arranged. You will be contacted by the pastor and receive information on baptism instruction.
We baptize infants and children of Christian parents. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the Kingdom of God belongs.” (Mark 10:14) In the New Testament, entire families were baptized; children included (Acts 16:33). The earliest Christians baptized infants and children. Baptism of infants and children expresses what we believe about God and God’s family: God’s Love is for All. God’s Family is for All. God’s Church is for All. The Baptism of infants and children is a beautiful image of God’s Gracious and Unconditional LOVE. “An infant has served on no committees, has done no great work, and is helpless, needy, dependent and unemployed. In fact, an infant brought to the water for baptism is a sign of how we all come to God-with nothing, absolutely nothing!” (Dan Erlander, Let the Little Children Come, Augsburg Fortress)
Older children and adults who have not been baptized are also welcome to be baptized. Contact the church office or the pastor for more information.
Baptism is God's great gift to us. Baptism is the one place where God gives us God’s Word and through the water a tangible sign of God’s unconditional promises to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our whole lives are lived in the light of that great promise!
Baptism is centered around Promises:
1. God’s Promises. God’s unconditional gift promises to make the person a child of God, gives them the presence of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, offers them forgiveness, life, salvation and a purpose for this life-to serve God and neighbor.
2. Parent’s Promises. Parents promise to raise and nurture their child in the Christian faith and life, pray for them and with them, bring them to church, tell them the stories of God’s people and of Jesus as recorded in the Bible, teach them the Lord’s Prayer, the 10 Commandments and the Apostles’ Creed, and help them to serve and care for others and the world God made. Parents who baptize their children are responsible for helping them develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.
3. Church’s Promises. The Peace Lutheran family promises to support and help the parents fulfill their baptismal promises by offering Christian education, worship, service opportunities, and praying for the baptized.
The Little Bitty Book Club is for children birth - age 4 (not yet enrolled in our Sunday School Ministry). We gather once a month (September - May) with a parent or caregive for storytime, music, hands on activities, prayer and a snack. Children will take home their own copy of the book we read. This is a great way to incorporate Christian books and stories of faith into your home library. This ministry is free and no preregistration is required.
We love having little ones join us in worship. God put the wiggles and giggles in children. You're welcome to sit toward the front where it's easier for younger children to stay engaged and see what is happening during the service. Sing the songs and speak the responses with enthusiasm. Pray silently when the time is right - children learn by copying you! Through the Sacrament of Baptism, we as a congregation commit to celebrate, love, support and care those in our community. We pray that worship be a space where we live in to this covenant together.
If you have to leave the Sanctuary with your child, feel free to do so, but please come back! We have an unstaffed nursery available during worship (please stay in the nursery with your child). You can still hear the service in the nursery.
We do our best to have a volunteer staff our nursery during the Education hour on Sunday mornings from 9:35 - 10:35 so that our Sunday School teachers, choir members and adults are able to attend education or social times.