Peace Lutheran Church places a strong emphasis on growing together as a family of faith. We offer Milestone Workshops and a special celebration and blessing in worship for students & their familes . Baptism often marks the beginning of the milestone journey!
We gift our preschool students with a story Bible. We explore familiar stories, enjoy a snack and talk about how to read at home.
Kindergarten students love the milestone gift with this workshop! It's all about prayer! How to pray, when to pray, and why we pray.
We continue with prayer, but this year focus on different parts of the Lord's Prayer and what it means when we pray this prayer.
We explore what we are called to do with the gifts God has given us - learning how we care for the things God gives us and how to be generous.
As 3rd Graders are gifted with an age appropriate Bible we learn more about how to read God's Word and other interesting facts!
We remember our baptisms and take a look at what promises were made during our baptism. Learning more about living as children of God!
This milestone helps children discover the meaning of the Lord's Supper through interactive stations and activities.
As youth move from Sunday School to Confirmation we focus on living out our Christian faith through acts of service.
Beginning Confirmation is the start to an important time in student's lives - affirming the promises that were made in baptism.
We celebrate and affirm the promises that were made in baptism. Students participate in a fall retreat and complete a faith project.
We bless and pray over graduating seniors. Each senior is given a gift to take with them as they prepare for what is next!