Quarterly Events to connect students, provide outreach opportunities where students can invite their friends to a non-threatening event, and provide fellowship to allow God to work through the lives of the youth.
Fall Fling Weekend Retreat at Camp Shamineau
Christ Jam Synod Gathering
Moonlight Maddness
(all-night lock-out)
Swimming Party & pizza
These are great, fun events with a message!
Quarterly Events to build leadership, go deeper in faith experiences, and bring God's Word to every day life.
Youth Group Kickoff Event
See You at the Pole
Homeless Awareness Retreat (Year A)
Leadership Retreat (Year B & C)
Breakfast Club Kickoff
God Stock Synod Retreat
Swimming Party & Pizza
Fundraisers are also events that bring youth together to raise funds for a faith-based experience. Contact plcyouthpastor@gmail.com if you would like to be a part of or help with any of the annual fundraisers:
Palm Sunday Breakfast
Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction
(1st Friday in May)
Fall Ham Dinner
(1st Monday in October)
Maple Syrup Ministry
(see details on Maple Syrup page under Ministries)
Annual Butterbraid Sales
Monthly Coffee Sales
Annual Garage Sale
(2nd Weekend in May)